For people who love the sport, the planet, and the diverse world of soccer people.

TBA Announcement



FCEarth is tfor people who love the sport itself, and the people, the culture, and the planet that soccer belongs to.

Soccer (futbol, football, voetbal, calcio, etc) has a unique transcendence among sports, an ability to bring together people from all over the world. People from humble backgrounds or affluent neighborhoods; people who speak hundreds of different languages; people who could play in the World Cup and people who play in a back alley with a ball made of rolled up socks.

FCEarth includes a social network, a daily reader for inspirational and informative soccer stories (see our main page blog), and a brand of soccer gear that celebrates the sport and supports the planet.

FCEarth is a movement that promotes international goodwill - learning about people, diverse cultures and economies through our sport. Check back soon for more.

We are just beginning, and we welcome your feedback and ideas.


1 comment:

sdonahue5 said...

From one American soccer enthusiast to another. I'm always looking for new ways to get involved with the development of soccer here in America:

Helping less fortunate youths without the means to good coaching, equipment, competition, and the opportunity to pursue the dream...